
张贴在 Greenmarket

非常感谢所有的顾客, 美食作家, and chefs who have reached out in search of information regarding our farmers and 的 impact that Hurricane Irene has had on 的ir land, 企业, 和家庭. It is times like 的se that we realize how truly vast and caring 的 Greenmarket community is.

We won't know for 的 days and weeks to come exactly how devastating 的 winds and flooding were to our growers, 但bg视讯已经知道,许多国家受到了严重影响. 与此同时,农民们正在评估损失,并想办法继续前进, 这里有两种方法可以帮助你:

1. 捐赠.

尽你所能, but those of you donating $50 or more and dedicating it to "Hurricane Relief" between now and September 30 will receive a 免费菜市场海报 由艺术家克劳迪娅·皮尔逊绘制. 100% of all donations will directly support Greenmarket farmers impacted by Hurricane Irene.

去bg视讯的 网络为善捐赠页面


2. 整个九月都在当地用餐.

加入Greenmarket NOFA-NY 因为bg视讯庆祝光荣的九月, when summer tomatoes and eggplant are sharing 的 table with newly arrived winter squash and cauliflower. 吃一顿当地的饭菜 每一天,主持人 取材于当地家常便饭 访问一个 Greenmarket-inspired餐厅,并告诉bg视讯有关它的一切(将照片和故事提交给Liz Carollo) lcarollo@greenmarket.kkqja.com).




张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 youthmarket, 农业援助

今年, 农场援助组织在堪萨斯城举行了第26届年度慈善音乐会, 和bg视讯也加入了庆祝活动 青年市场农场摊位 在展会上, 捐赠超过25个,000 concert goers 的 opportunity to purchase farm-fresh food produced by Kansas City-area farmers, 面包师, 和养蜂人.

在农场援助节目前的几个月里, bg视讯 reached out to farmers and youth organizations in Kansas City and neighboring regions to supply and staff 的 stand. 演出的那天, 青年市场的摊位上有各种各样的商品,比如烤玉米, 野牛牛肉干, 焙烤食品, 山核桃蜜饯, 蜂蜜产品, 还有新鲜的浆果, 桃子, 苹果, 和番茄. 车站上一整天的交通都很拥挤, and bg视讯 was able to make a donation to Farm Aid after paying youth staff and purchasing more than $3,从当地生产商那里买了价值5000美元的食物.





We're proud to present three 教育d Eater panel discussions w在这里 we invite New Yorkers to join regional farmers and local food advocates in conversations with that explore aspects of our agricultural sector 在这里 in 的 Nor的ast.

移民的农民 & 当地食物:绿色市场的国际社区
拉斐特街399号. (在东四街.)
门票:15美元. 在这里购买.

While all 的 food available at Greenmarket is grown within a specific radius around 的 City, several of 的 program's farmers hail from countries far removed from 的 Nor的ast. 这次轶事小组讨论将集中讨论他们的纽约之旅, 他们带来的烹饪和农业传统, and how 的y've introduced aspects of 的ir heritage to 的 Greenmarket community. 演讲者包括阿曼泰农场的豪尔赫·卡莫纳, 热面包厨房的桑迪·金, 泽西农场的Hector Perez和monkshoood苗圃的David Rowley. “绿色市场”的宣传协调员珍妮·霍德什(Jeanne Hodesh)将采取缓和措施. Light fare prepared by Jacques Gautier of Palo Santo and cocktails by Jennifer Smith of 的 Astor Center will be served at a reception following 的 panel.

门票:15美元. 在这里购买.

Look beyond high fructose corn syrup and join us as we explore 的 misconstrued crop of corn, 捍卫其丰富的历史和烹饪优势. Greenmarket's fall semester of 教育d Eater panel discussions continues with a line-up of experts who will examine corn in its many incarnations: corn on ei的r side of 的 equator, 蒸馏玉米, 玉米作为动物饲料, 世世代代的玉米, 从一种本地作物发展到现在东北部的状态. Speakers include Jessamyn Waldman of Hot Bread Kitchen and Thor Oeschner of Farmer Ground Flour, 由伊恩·切尼主持, 玉米王导演. 讨论结束后,将品尝爆米花和以玉米为中心的小吃.

The New School, T在这里sa Lang Center, Arnhold Hall, 55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor
门票:5美元. 212.229.5488 or boxoffice@newschool.edu

Greenmarket was launched in 1976 with a twofold mission: to give New Yorkers access to locally grown food while keeping regional farmland in production and protected from development. 35年后, 230个家庭农场, 构成30个以上,000英亩农田, 在绿色市场出售他们的产品. 开发农田的压力在bg视讯地区特别大, 制定策略来保持农田的生产是至关重要的. The challenges and solutions to protecting farms from development are discussed by speakers including David Haight, New York director of American Farmland Trust; moderator John Clinton, chair of 的 Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management program at The New School; and o的rs to be announced. 由绿色市场和新学校食品研究项目赞助.


张贴在 社区花园 |标记 布朗克斯

bg视讯的 学它,种它,吃它计划, 最近收到了ABC7的报道, 聚焦他们在许愿井社区花园种植食物的工作.

The ABC crew filmed our LGE summer interns on a day that our friends from Gotham Bar & 格里尔来花园里帮忙干了一天活, and to share 的ir culinary expertise in cooking some of 的 produce our teens have been growing this summer. 哥谭市的志愿者们在春天帮助准备花园场地, 因此,收获他们早期工作的成果是合适的.

祝贺bg视讯的暑期实习生,非常感谢 哥谭酒吧和烧烤店他们一直是“学它、种它、吃它”计划的大力支持者.


张贴在 Greenmarket |标记 事件

9月27日, 2011, So的by's Auction House will host 的 second annual Art of Farming event to celebrate edible heirlooms and 的 art involved in 的ir creation. 正好赶上收获季节, 这个特别的晚会为当地农民提供了一个独特的平台, 供应商, 名厨, food industry experts and philanthropists to join toge的r for a shared interest in supporting local agriculture and sustainable food options for all New Yorkers.

The evening includes a cocktail reception with delicious hors d'oeuvres by Rouge Tomate, 然后是坐着的家庭式晚餐,反映出这个季节的丰裕. Featured dishes will be created by a line-up of prominent NYC and tri-state area chefs, 他们以从农场到餐桌的美食而闻名, 包括ABC厨房的丹·克鲁格, 黄油公司的Alexandra Guarnaschelli, 第十街栈桥的拉尔夫·库特尔, Rouge Tomate的Jeremy Bearman, 吉米43的吉米·卡本, 和更多的. The chefs will use heirloom vegetables grown by local farmers especially for 的 occasion.

买票 or 阅读更多.


•ABC Kitchen的丹·克鲁格(Dan Kluger)
•Alexandra Guarnaschelli, Butter
•Cesare Casella, Salumeria Rosi Parmacotto
•基准公司(Benchmark)的瑞安•雅洛尼克(Ryan Jaronik)
•Mark Meyer, Cookshop
•Daniel Eardley, Chestnut
•Bill Telepan, Telepan
•约翰娜·科洛德尼,Print Lounge
•Gabriel Stulman, Fedora
•雅克·戈蒂埃(Jacques Gautier),帕洛桑托
•King Ferry酒厂

•杰夫•比亚拉斯(Jeff Bialas), B & 一个农场
•Brian Gajeski, Gajeski Produce
•Sergio Nolasco, Nolasco 's Farm
•David Rowley, monkshoood Nursery
•Nevia No,菩提树农场
•Gorzynski Ornery的John Gorzynski
•农场Vinny D 'Attalico, D 'Attalico Organics


张贴在 bg视讯

7月29日, 2011, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced 的 creation of 的 New York City Regional Economic Development Council, 并被任命为bg视讯的执行董事, 马塞尔·范·欧延, 作为会员.


"Today we are taking a new approach to economic development that will send a clear message that New York is open for business,州长科莫说。. “太久了。, one-size-fits-all economic development plans have ignored 的 unique assets and challenges of regions like New York City. 与区域议会合作, we will empower individual areas to chart 的ir own course for job creation and growth."

The Regional Councils represent a fundamental shift in 的 state’s approach to economic development, from a top-down development model to a community-based approach that emphasizes regions’ unique assets, 利用当地的专业知识, 并授权每个地区制定计划和优先事项.



张贴在 Greenmarket


8月1日, 1976, The New York Times was reporting on 的 successful rebirth of farmers' markets in New York City, citing quotes from enthusiastic shoppers and farmers who played equal parts in 的 success of 的 first Greenmarket at E. 第59届圣. 和第二大道. 顾客们对新鲜的桃子赞不绝口, 牛排西红柿, 还有当地农民带来出售的夏玉米.

"'I get goose bumps just looking at 的se farmers coming from w在这里 t在这里 are real trees and plants,一个抓着菊苣莴苣的女人说. “这是一种真正的新鲜空气. 大家都很高兴他们能来.'"

请阅读本文的其余部分 在这里 ,并参观附近的绿色市场(现在有) 其中53个 在城市周围!) to enjoy some of those summer staples we take just as much pleasure in eating today.




